Monday 9 May 2016

Update #4: Ravages Of Time

Time.... A great spectrum of undefined vastness. Every being lives in it, goes by its flow and submerges into it. People get by day to day without realising and ravishing the beauty called time. As each second passes by, as each moment drifts off, one does not simply realize the essence that is lost forever. People always say that there is time, I will do this or that tomorrow, I  have plenty of time, when they do not realize that they never are the sole governors of time. Time is a sovereign that puts its law in front of us, abide and be successful, ignore and get into the infinite loop of maya (illusion). The world is said to be an illusion, it is especially true for the procrastinators for they do not see the world for what it truly is. They go day by day postponing things that had to be done at moments where it was essential, and ultimately fail to realize and do so.

Time.... It passes by us like a leaf on a stream of water, gentle and ever flowing but once it passes by us you never get that opportunity to catch by it again. My Geography teacher had once told me "Time and Tide once lost can never be with again". It is a profound aspect of mystery that he shared with me that day. I had gone into a in depth study of time at that moment and realised that yes, what he said is true. Time is a aspect that takes away one's innocence, ravages past your feelings, make's you grow and then ultimately merges you with earth. Time always show you the truth, be it now or 10 or 50 years later, time always tell the truth. The beat of a wing by the butterfly or giving birth to your child or sending your daughter away in marriage may be the most beautiful thing that you may have witnessed but do think what if you were not there at that moment, what if you could never have been part of that essence.

Time.... An infinite mystery there within. We perceive time in our standards, our measurements and to our liking. We perceive time as the sun and moon revolves. We start to perceive them from birth to death. But in any moment have you stopped to think, what is time, what it has done to you?
So now stop for a moment and take this brain storm session to the peak by thinking how you can ultimately manage this limited amount of time you have , in comparison to the vast amount of your ancestors or future generation. Think how meaningful you can make your life. How much you can enjoy the essence of beauty that surrounds you.

If you guys ever want to have an in depth conversation with me regarding life or my poetry please do contact

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