Monday 2 May 2016

A Livelihood Ode

Fun am I not,
Detailed am I very,
A few perks here and there,
With a heart soft to touch.

Lonely is my soul,
Long do I for company,
Assassins of words and looks do murder me,
Leaving none back to reside.

Destroyed like a rag doll,
Pitying on my feelings,
A crisp that shall break,
Forever to be apart.

Onward shall look the onlooker's,
Miserable as they truly are,
A livelihood ode to many,
Oh! do they guard their hearts.

Lies and deceit do I see,
Honour bound none again,
"Where did thou go my knight!" do they say,
When the chivalry is right in front of their eyes.

The heart keeps on burning,
Lighting like it's on bees wax,
Ablaze goes all the feelings,
Until a stony residue stays back.

A mask of deceit shall they wear,
Prying on the onlookers,
For nothing resides back in,
Their hearts and their souls.

For the innocence like a dew drop,
Born with a radiance,
Not to know the hour of its essence,
to be meddled with the earth again.

'Heartless' the onlookers say,
Not knowing about the shriveled heart,
Ignorant about the damage they caused,
Until its too late to turn back again.

Until the poor soul has fallen into the depths again,
Without air,
Without a gasp,
Asphyxiated are they go down that hole.

Some crack under the pressure and raid for the mask,
Some on the other hand,
Oh! do goes for the heavenly abode,
Without as much of a thought as the wisp of flame disappears.

 Some again turn and become invisible,
Their eyes soulless,
Negligent about their surroundings,
Living their lives with a heavy heart.

Their talents unnoticed and untapped,
Their essence unappreciated,
While all uselessness is put up stage front,
Cheers Oh! do go to such ones.

And so on goes the livelihood ode,
A dark tale of mine or yours,
All throughout life do remember,
It is your choices,your words,
Stay back and be held back.

The world is a marshy land,
with none to spare an eye,
Treasure what you have,
Hold them close,
For once even that's lost,
What else do you have........?

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